What is the difference between bioidentical and traditional hormone replacement?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is the treatment of hormones with use of products that are identical to the molecular structure and make up of endogenous, or internally produced, hormones. Commonly with this type of therapy, the provider is operating outside of insurance which allows them the freedom to target patient symptoms more closely and use the labs as guidelines. This results in very specific, individualized care of each patient versus treatment aimed at a range of average numbers. Bioidentical hormones can be used for treatment in menopause, andropause, sluggish thyroid, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, acne, etc. 

Traditional, or synthetic, hormone replacement therapy is the use of hormone products that differ from endogenous hormones at the cellular level. This means that the body does not recognize them as its own. A common example of this is birth control. This is the form of replacement most common within the confines of insurance. Typically with this type of replacement, and because it is most commonly used within the scope of insurance, the provider has to treat the levels on paper leaving the patient wanting and still symptomatic in a lot of cases.

If you would like to speak further about possible hormone replacement using bioidentical therapy, please call the office and set up a free meet and greet.